Instant mockup generator

Coffee Capsule Packaging Free Mockup



For coffee enthusiasts, the coffee capsule is a modern innovation that provides a convenient way to brew a delicious cup of coffee. Made of plastic or aluminum, these containers are filled with coffee powder, making them a popular choice for those who want to experience the next level of espresso. To showcase your branding design for these capsules, use our free Coffee Capsule Packaging mockup. This PSD mockup features coffee capsules and slim box packaging, allowing you to present your design in one go. With smart object layers, customization is easy, and you can even change the color of each part of the capsules and boxes. Choose from our selection of top coffee capsule brands and enjoy a perfect cup of coffee with ease.

Free for both personal and commercial purposes

Format: 1 PSD file
Dimensions: 4500 x 3200 px
Size: 29 Mb
